GCSAA Podcast
The official podcast of the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America turns a spotlight on the stories of GCSAA's members and the vital role they play in the game of golf's overall success. The podcast is also a vehicle to showcase association products and services that can help members do their jobs better, faster and more cost-effectively.
GCSAA Podcast
44. All About the Weather with Herb Stevens and Garrett Bastardi
This episode of the GCSAA Podcast goes deep into every superintendent's favorite topic — the weather — with Herb Stevens and Garrett Bastardi. Stevens is the founder of Grass Roots Weather, a service that offers personalized weather forecasting for golf course superintendents. He teamed with Bastardi to create the Turf Threat Tracker — or T3 — which is a subscription service that offers specific, localized hour-by-hour weather forecasts designed specifically for turfgrass managers. We talk about both services, touch on frequently asked questions that Stevens and Bastardi hear from superintendents and preview the seminar the pair will teach at the 2023 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in Orlando.
The GCSAA Podcast is presented in partnership with Bayer.